The Role of "Honey" in the Treatment of Physical Illness in Terms of the Holy Qur'an and the Science of Medicine

Author Details

Amad Dehghan Nezhad, Mohammad reza Afroogh

Journal Details


Published: 1 April 2019 | Article Type :


Honey is a sweet that is often liquid and comes from honey bee. In the holy Qur'an, various foods have been named, but only in the case of honey, which it calls "healing." Honey has been considered by humans since ancient times. In addition to its nutritional aspect, it has been considered during the "Hippocrates" and in the texts of "Torah" as an antiseptic in skin diseases and wounds. Many scholars, commentators, and doctors have spoken about the importance of food and medicine, and they have said on the Holy Quran that it is "healing." In this research, we try to describe the role and role of honey in the treatment of human physical diseases by descriptive-analytical method.

Keywords: Honey, Healing, Holy Quran, Therapy, Drug.

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How to Cite


Amad Dehghan Nezhad, Mohammad reza Afroogh. (2019-04-01). "The Role of "Honey" in the Treatment of Physical Illness in Terms of the Holy Qur'an and the Science of Medicine." *Volume 3*, 2, 1-5